Sunday 23 December 2012

Trip to KOREA!!


Assalamualaikum, in year 2008 we went for an office trip to KOREA! YEA!!!
I actually did not remember where did we go for office trip in 2007.. Hmm (thingking..).. Owh! Maybe that time our boss did not have enough money to take us to go for an oversea trip kot! That is why i cant remember where did we go..hehe.
Anyway, my englishhhh is bad, but i will still try to write in English because practice makes PERFECT! kan kan kan.. yup2. (sedapkan hati sendiri..hehe)

view at the winter sonata shooting area

Erm.. basically the trip was interesting as this is the first time i saw snow and touch it.. (sedey kan..haha!).. it was very cold, the feel of it is just like normal ice. If in Malaysia macam ice kacang punya ice. (macam mane ayat nie.. macam pelik je kan.. hmm halal la.. paham2 je la eh..)

Tadaaa.. this picture shows how jakun we are to see snow..Hehe.

(Erkk.. actually I didnt remember what activities that we do in Korea and which part of it that we went, where is the location.. where it is situated or located.. sebab dah lame kan! haish! nyanyuk dah gitu.)

Anyway just enjoy the picture and the scenery. ;-)
This is the 1st day that we arrived. This picture is taken in the airport which u akan x nampak pn sebab we are tooo big.. so dh block gmba belakang tu..hehe.

DCC's members! Welcome to Korea! ;-)

They were so busy taking photos with their brand new camera.

Chantik kan view dia. Wahhhh.. Best nye ICE/ SNOW!!

Eat rice + seaweed.. The seaweed is very nice. Ktorang beli banyak gyle seaweed tu.. Bile smpai malaysia tak termakan dah. macam dh muak la pulak.

In the old castle.

Tadaa.. DCC members with their new outfit.. Nice! Hehe

Abang sitting under an igloo. It is actually feels a bit hot sitting in that igloo. Now i know why PINGU stays inside the igloo.. Haa.. Got it got it..Make sense.

Adek and abang eating Korean food.

Seee!!! It was toooo cold!! Air pancut (ke air terjun eh.. confius!) die pn beku! uuuuu..

Actually, the best part of going to korea is... jeng jeng jeng...

Dapat main skiiiiii... Best gyle!! Walaupun banyak kali jatuh.. But we dont care.. We just keep on playing and playing and playing it. Until the place is closed..hehe. Tp itu pun x puas lagi. nak g sane lagi xmampu lak nak baya tambang pergi sanakan. How sadd.. Hmm.. But its okk.. At least we've already been there and try main ski.

Awwww.. that kid is soooo cute!

There is nothing much that we can shop in Korea so we just enjoy the scenery.

This is adek with her Korean friend. Dia pun dah rupe macam korean kan! Confius i..hehe.

That is all from now. Later will story mory on our 2009 trip pulak ye. Daa~


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