Sunday 22 September 2013

Trip to IRAN!

Assalamualaikum and a very good morning, afternoon or evening to all..;)

Today i will show u some of our pictures and experiences going to Iran. We actually have 1 tenant that rented our dad shoplot, recently we are very close with them as they intended to migrate to Malaysia. Several month after knowing them, they insisting us to come and visit Iran, at that time our family just said we have to think about it first (but actually we are a bit worried because in media they always said that in Iran there is war here and there bla bla bla.. all we heard through media is the negative things only).
Tapi selepas mereka ajak.. ajak.. n ajak lagi.. kami pun setuju. The ticket cost from Malaysia to Iran is around RM2,200.00/person. We went there by Qatar Air.

When we reach Iran, surprisingly there is no war and the condition is very calm. The scenery is very nice, a bit like Europe and the most important thing is .. the whether is cooler compared with Malaysia..hehe..

We went to 3 different state that are Tehran ----> Urumiyeh ----> Isfahan. The currency is cheaper than Malaysia, so we did shop a lot of things there..;)

Kami pergi masa bulan Februari 2013, masa ada di Iran kami dapat merasa 3 Season that are winter, autumn and spring.. best kan.. 1 negara je ade bermacam2 season. Majoriti orang Iran adalah Syiah, tp ade jugak yang sunni.. ade 1 time my brother masuk dalam lift kan.. pastu ade la sorg iraninan nie tanye.. 'u sunni?'.. my brother pn jawab 'yes'.. punye la suke org tu.. baru la die borak panjang..haha. Tp time g sane mmg xde masalah pun antara sunni n syiah.. azan pun sama-sama boleh laungkan azan kuat. So boleh la dengar the difference.

Here are some of the photos when we were in Iran:-

This is in Tehran.. ape tah name gunung die nie.. lupe dah..hehe..

Haaa..Lupe beritahu, sebelum pergi Iran tu, our tenant bagitahu la yang kat sane tak boleh pakai baju pendek2.. kene pakai baju at least labuh sampai lutut.. pk punye pk (sbb xde bju yang labuh sampai lutut kn..) akhirnye decide bawak jubah n baju kurung je la..haha. sekali bile sampai sane.. sabo je le.. byk je org yg pakai baju pendek2.. tp xpe la.. bkn ssh pun nk jalan2 pakai bju kurung n jubah.. *redha*.. ;-)

Bab-bab nak makan kat Iran ni jangan risau, sebab semuanya halal. yang tak halal tak boleh di jual. Lepas tu semua makanan die murah gyleee!!!! mane la i x gemok kn.. g sane makanan sedap.. murah lak tu.. mmg byk je la yg masuk tangki perot nie..hehe. U all bayangkan.. minum coffee kat hotel pn dalam rm1.00 je..murah sgt2. Pastu ade makan kat restaurant berputar la mcm ala-ala KL Tower tu kan.. per head dalam RM30.00 je.. haih.. murah betul..

Ni Interior Shopping Mall dia..Chantek kan! (In Urumiyeh)

 Chomel kan budak nie.. grrrrrammmm..hehe

Haaa.. Jangan ingat Iran teknologi tak hebat.. die pun ade menara telecomunication u.. bentuk macam KL Tower lagi tu..

 This is in Urumiyeh.. wahhhh.. hensome guy!!!! *melting* haha! gatai..

 This is Abbasi Hotel in Isfahan

Dulu ia adalah rumah tetamu untuk raja Iran, sekarang ia di ubah menjadi 5 star hotel. Sangat chantek.. dan the price is reasonable.. make sure u stay here when u come to Isfahan ok.

This is Maryam our tour guide in Isfahan, She is very2 beautiful..

Kesimpulannye, Iran sangat chantek, orang nye lawa-lawa dan hensem2.. so pergi la sane bila ada masa ya.. ;). See ya next time.. Daaaaaaaa~~~


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